Tulsa Senior portrait ideas for High School girls. Places to take senior pictures in tulsa.
Tulsa High School Senior Girls want fun, creative and glam senior portraits. Keep in mind when selecting your wardrobe; you will want an outfit that says fun. Bring accessories and a very pretty outfit for your glamour picture. We have some great ideas how to make it happen. A mix of fun, fashion and classic portraiture is what we do best.
I love to show seniors and their mothers the images on the back of the camera to show how well they are doing, this builds their confidence and in turn makes a memorable and stress free fun high school senior experience. When you look at our samples you can tell we know how to pose you and where to place your hands. We show you how to stand and which ways to turn for the most flattering view of your figure. Our posing objectives are to make sure you look amazing yet natural.
For your on location outfit changes we provide a tall pop up changing tent this helps keep your clothes wrinkle free and you looking at your best. A picture of the tent it is in the slideshow.
Items that say who you are, into sports bring your gear, have a car bring it we love photographing seniors with their cars, musical instruments oh my gosh these photograph great. Clothes and fashion a photographers dream come true we love this.
Starting in a few days before the photo session beware of the Sun, sunburns and red skin look horrible in pictures. Keep in mind your fingernails and toenails will show.
Often forgotten Items
Your bring list may include extra shoes, jewelry; a class ring if you have one, hats, scarves, hairspray, small makeup mirror, hair brush/bands, bobby pins and make-up. You will need this for touchups and quick fixes.
Extra water and a snack.
Best Senior Portraits in Tulsa Oklahoma by Shoemaker Photography - Tulsa's senior portrait experts see our creative Award-Winning Photography and get the best Senior Pictures in Tulsa Ok.
Questions or, Book your senior portrait call John Shoemaker 918 808 6092